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Residential Buyers

Timely Contract delivers targeted legal solutions fast

Find the home that delivers all your dreams!

A house is more than a home. It’s the main source of financial security for most Americans. When your dream home becomes a financial drain, your dream home becomes a nightmare. Don’t leave the legal “health” of your property to chance.

Better to spend “pennies” to get the information you need during the transaction than “dollars” afterwards on unreliable court remedies.

Legal Risks of Buying Real Estate

There are literally dozens of legal circumstances that can have a negative effect on the use and value of your property. Did the seller disclose all conditions of the property? Have you reviewed the CC&R’s? Does the property have clear title? Is there a gas pipeline nearby? What easements are attached? How about encroachments? Water access? Utility lines? How about onerous contract provisions, aggressive due diligence timeframes, or sloppy contract modifications? You had the physical condition of the home evaluated by your home inspector, but did you have the legal condition of the property evaluated?

Timely Contract Solutions

Choose which of the solutions below best matches your legal need. An Order Request will be sent through to a TC Certified™ attorney licensed in the jurisdiction of your property. The TC Certified™ attorney will contact you within two business days. Explain what’s going on. You are under no obligation to engage the services of the TC Certified™ attorney. 

  • TC Review. TC Review answers your legal questions when you’ve signed a document, or are otherwise legally committed to a document. 
  • TC Drafting. TC Drafting delivers a custom-drafted document when you need contract terms and provisions that boilerplate contracts don’t address, or a a contract modification to an existing agreement.
  • TIER. TIER delivers a written legal opinion signaling the “health” of the parcel when you need to understand County Recorder’s Office documents.
  • TIER Plus. TIER Plus delivers a written legal opinion when you have questions about local, State, Tribal, or Federal documents.


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