Why become TC Certified™?
- Receive high quality leads to-the-desktop
- High return-on-investment
- Low net-bad-debt
- Increased job satisfaction
Is Timely Contract for you?
TC Certified attorneys solve common and avoidable legal problems of the residential real estate transaction. If solving client problems before they happen is motivating to you, Timely Contract might be the right next-step in your career.
Attorney candidates have a minimum five year’s full-time substantive real estate legal experience, are technically savvy, and have operational control over delivery of their legal services.
The Cost
There’s no cost to becoming TC Certified. Once certified, attorneys are charged a Fee for each Order Request received. Order Request Fees are roughly half the hourly rate of an experienced real estate attorney.
TC Certification
Four steps to certification:
- Submit your Indication of Interest. Submit the Indication of Interest form on the right side of this page to start the process.
- Return the Conditional Use License Agreement. You’ll receive a Welcome to Timely Contract email. Sign and return the attached Conditional Use License Agreement.
- Watch the Educational Library. Watch two hours of video-based educational content.
- Complete the payment request. You’ll receive an email directly from Law Pay requesting payment information. Your payment information is held in the strictest confidence by LawPay.
Becoming TC Certified takes less time than watching the Super Bowl! Call 844.846.3592 (844.TIMELYC) with questions.
All inquiries are held in strictest confidence.
Once TC Certified™
Once certified, you’ll receive Order Requests in your email inbox. Work as many, or as few, as your workload allows.
New Licensees are assigned territories by County, according to seniority.
Ongoing Legal Consulting Support
Timely Contract wants TC Certified attorneys to be successful. To this end, two (2) hours of legal consulting support are offered gratis to new TC Certified attorneys. Thereafter, legal consulting services are available at $50 per hour billable in 6-minute increments.
Indication of Interest
Timely Contract®. Real Property, Real Solutions®
“The vexations of secular legal proceedings are beset by wretched anxieties of such number and magnitude, and are enveloped in so many fraudulences, that these processes and the quite unpredictable hazard of the courts seem rather things to be avoided.” The Laws of Henry the First (Leges Henrici Primi) Chapter 6 ¶6, circa 1115 A.D.