How TC Review Works
Order Request
Business Day 0
Complete the Order Request (below). It will be emailed to a TC Certified™ attorney licensed in the jurisdiction of the property. Speak to the TC Certified™ attorney within two business days.
1st Attorney Call
Business Day 2
Discuss your concerns for seeking legal counsel*. If you want to engage the TC Certified™ attorney, a signed Fee Agreement and advance fee are required.

Document Review
Business Days 3-6
Your documents are reviewed by your TC Certified™ attorney. As a limited-scope legal service, only the questions identified during the 1st Attorney Call will be addressed in the attorney’s legal analysis.
2nd Attorney Call
Business Day 6
The 2nd Attorney Call is scheduled within four business days of engagement. Your TC Certified™ attorney will call at the specified time. Discuss your questions in light of the attorney’s analysis of the documents reviewed.
What is TC Review?
TC Review answers questions about a signed document, or document to which you may otherwise be legally bound. See the Examples of Documents Reviewed for a sample of documents reviewed.
Order Request. First step is to complete the Order Request form below. It will be emailed to a TC Certified™ attorney licensed in the jurisdiction of the property. You’ll receive a confirmation email with the TC Certified™ Attorney assigned to you and further instructions.
Note. TC Review is covered by the attorney-client privilege and is subject to a conflict check.
1st Attorney Call. The 1st Attorney Call is held within two business days of Order Request. Discuss your concerns with the attorney. If you want to engage their services, a signed Fee Agreement and advance fee are required. Advance fee and hourly rates are subject to local conditions and are set by the TC Certified™ attorney.
Note. You are under no obligation to engage the services of the TC Certified™ attorney.
Document Review. Your TC Certified™ attorney will review your document(s) in light of the concerns discussed during the 1st Attorney Call. A 2nd Attorney Call is scheduled within four business days of attorney engagement.
2nd Attorney Call. Your TC Certified™ attorney will call at the scheduled time. Discuss the results of your attorney’s legal analysis of the documents reviewed.
Examples of Documents Reviewed
- Boundary Line Agreements
- CC&R’s
- Construction Contracts
- Deeds
- Easements and Encroachment Agreements
- Purchase and Sale Agreements
- Rental Agreements
- Road Agreements
- Shared Septic Agreements
What You Should Know
TC Certified™ Attorney. TC Certified™ attorneys are experienced in real property law and licensed in the State where the subject property is located.
Fee Agreement. Fee Agreement defines terms by which a client engages the legal services of an attorney.
Hourly Rate. Hourly rate is subject to local conditions and set by the TC Certified™ attorney.
Trust Account. By law, advance fees for legal services are held in trust. Trust accounts are held to strict accounting standards.
Advance Fee. Advance fee is the dollar amount required in advance before legal services are rendered. The advance fee remains the property of the client unless exhausted by invoiced legal services and expenses. Any balance due after work is completed is refunded to the client.
TC Review Order Request
Have the following ready:
- Contact information.
- County and State of subject property.
- Goals. Concise statement of why you are seeking legal counsel. A timeline of events is often helpful here.
- Conflict Check. Name of individual(s) or entity on the other side of the transaction. If unknown, indicate “Unknown.”
- Documents. Have electronic copies of relevant documents ready for upload. Examples Include: Purchase and Sale Agreements, Contract Modifications, CC&R’s, Deeds, Contract Terms or Changes, Seller Disclosure Forms, Septic Regulations, Local laws, Flood Zone information.
Confirmation Email. Monitor your email for your confirmation email, including junk mail.
Limited-scope legal services restrict the involvement of an attorney in a client matter to a predefined set of legal services. Timely Contract’s suite of limited-scope legal services address common transactional problems encountered in the real estate industry.
Limited-scope legal services do not meet the needs of every legal client. If a potential client’s legal need is beyond the scope of the Timely Contract solutions, your TC Certified™ attorney will recommend traditional legal services.